We like the cars... the cars that go vroom!

Get the car insurance coverage you need at the price you can afford.
The right auto coverage can get you back on the road quickly if your car is crushed or totaled in an accident, fire, stolen or any other covered event.
In Florida, “full coverage” means $10,000 in property damage to others and personal injury protection. That leaves significant gaps in coverage that could be financially detrimental to you and your family. Did you know that the State of Florida can garnish your current and future wages as well as pension plans and other assets belonging to you as a result of an accident for which you were underinsured? Your policy also can provide protection for punitive damages, medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life or resultant property damage involving your vehicle.
There are 7+ optional coverages that can be included on your auto policy to ensure you are not left holding a bill that drains your current and future assets:
Bodily Injury Liability
Medical Payments Coverage
Uninsured Motorist
Comprehensive Coverage
Collision Coverage
Roadside Assistance
Rental Car
As your independent agency, we shop your insurance for you at no cost to you. We compare coverage options from top AM Best rated carriers such as Progressive, Travelers and Safeco who offer superior claim service. We have 6 month and 12 month policy terms and payment options ranging from paid in full (discount!) to monthly payments. We will shop multiple markets for you presenting coverage and rate comparisons to help you choose the option that is best for you.
From a teenager or young adult’s first car to exotic dream cars, we have markets for everyone’s car, van, truck, SUV and more!
Worried you aren’t completely covered? Consider an umbrella insurance policy that extends your coverage.
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